Day 1 season seats run $299 – $399
Wanderers FC were among the first CanPL clubs to release ticket info on Friday, giving fans a look at what it’ll cost to watch professional soccer in Canada.
It’s also a window into the way the league and its clubs will run financially, and I’ll add some more thoughts on that a bit later. Ticket prices are one of the most important (and sometimes contentious) numbers in soccer, determining all sorts of things, from how accessible a club is, to its capability to sign players and staff.
The pricing map gives a slightly better idea of what the Wanderer’s Ground will look like. Supporter’s pricing extends across the east side, perhaps reflecting Privateers 1882’s stated hope to eventually expand across that stand. More immediately, it means more fans will have cheap access to a general admission section for singing and supporting.
The main north stand, which provides pretty decent sight-lines all across, will cost a bit more, with designated seats. Seats near centre, where I sat for the Dal – SMU derby, run $400 a season, plus tax.
Halifax’s prices are cheaper than Winnipeg’s Valour FC, which announced prices but not a map on Tuesday, with prices ranging from $225 to almost $600. Given the Wanderer’s Ground is considerably smaller than Investor’s Bank Field, Haligonians are getting a decent deal.
Similar seats at BMO Field would cost nearly $1500 a season. I paid about $50 for a Voyageurs Cup game in 2014 in Vancouver (absolutely worth it, by the way), and could expect to bay about the same for decent seats for Canada’s upcoming Nations League match against Dominica.
Wanderers FC, then, will be some of the cheapest professional soccer in Canada, and represents a big opportunity to get Atlantic Canadians more interested in the sport.
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