FC Edmonton v. Wanderers FC (July 31, 2019)
I am not sure there is going to be a time when I won’t want to use that photo for an FC Edmonton liveblog.
I am not sure there is going to be a time when I won’t want to use that photo for an FC Edmonton liveblog.
I did not enjoy my Saturday as much as I was expecting. Maybe you had the same experience?
Both these teams played midweek, and the midweek before that, forever and ever and ever. Who runs out of energy first? That’s the question for every terrier. Join me from 4:15pm for discussion of small pitches, small teams, and small dogs.
After the first leg, Ottawa were in their changing room singing “olés”. They played well in Halifax, no doubt, but Wanderers will still feel they can nab this with a strong start. They’ll need one after a sultry, sagging week of travel and poor results.
Everybody’s talking about Canadian wonder goals this week. In keeping with the grizzled sea captain shtick I’ve got going on here, the contrarian in me thinks all three weren’t all that. Let’s evaluate.
Wanderers return to the scene of their first-ever loss, and draw Pacific’s first full-strength line-up since then. Hendrik Starostzik is back, Kadin Chung is back, and Terran Campbell is scoring.
In order to develop Canadian players–and keep Canadian fans–CanPL needs to figure out a sensible way to balance its schedule for both endurance and quality of play.
The games never end, and that means the liveblogs never end either. Which… oh ye gods, I’m going to be here all night, aren’t I?
It’s becoming painfully obvious how the schedule is taking its toll on the players. Some of it is, quite literally, pain: while exact numbers are hard to pin down, every team is missing at least three or four guys off a 23-man roster. Stars like Dominique Malonga and Elimane Cissé limped off this week, too.
On Saturday, Wanderers’ Alex De Carolis had, I think pretty indisputably, his best game as a Wanderer to date–until the 85th minute when a single, small decision undid everything for Halifax.
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